CZ: Před dvěma týdny mě navštívila moje kamaráda (a s sebou vzala ještě jednu kamarádku). Neskutečně jsem si to s těmahle dvěma úžasnýma holkama užila! Jsou plné radosti a lásky! Bylo to super, ukázat jim Prahu a moc bych je chtěla zase někdy vidět!!! ♥
EN: My friend visited me in Prague two weeks ago (and brought her sweet friend with her). It was such a lovely time with both of those wonderful girls! They're so full of joy and love. It was a blessing to show them my city! And I so want to see them again!!! ♥
EN: My friend visited me in Prague two weeks ago (and brought her sweet friend with her). It was such a lovely time with both of those wonderful girls! They're so full of joy and love. It was a blessing to show them my city! And I so want to see them again!!! ♥