CZ: Strávila jsem krásný víkend MIMO Prahu! Haha - potřebovala jsem totiž aspoň na chvíli vypadnout z domu a Prahy. Už mě nebavilo jen sedět doma (to víte - zkouškové! fuj!). A tenhle čas byl přímo parádní. No parádní a taky dost vyčerpávající, protože jsem měla ještě s pár kamarády na starosti skupinku 8 dětí. Ale i tak jsem si to užila.
Tyhle fotky jsou ze soboty - s kamarádkou jsme si řekly, že využijeme krásné počasí a něco nafotíme. Doufám, že se vám budou líbit.
Přeji krásný zbytek týdne :-*
EN: I spent a lovely weekend OUT OF Prague! Haha I desperately needed to get out of the house and Prague! I was getting sick of being stuck at home (you know - exam term - ugh!). And this was just wondeful. Well partly wonderful and partly very exhausting because I was in charge of 8 kids with some of my friends. But I still enjoyed it.
These photos are from Saturday - we decided with my friend to use the lovely weather and take some pictures. Hope you like them.
Have a great week everyone :-) :-*
Tyhle fotky jsou ze soboty - s kamarádkou jsme si řekly, že využijeme krásné počasí a něco nafotíme. Doufám, že se vám budou líbit.
Přeji krásný zbytek týdne :-*
EN: I spent a lovely weekend OUT OF Prague! Haha I desperately needed to get out of the house and Prague! I was getting sick of being stuck at home (you know - exam term - ugh!). And this was just wondeful. Well partly wonderful and partly very exhausting because I was in charge of 8 kids with some of my friends. But I still enjoyed it.
These photos are from Saturday - we decided with my friend to use the lovely weather and take some pictures. Hope you like them.
Have a great week everyone :-) :-*