EN: Who would have thought pictures taken in Botanical garden were gonna turn out in this good? Ahem I guess I am self-praising hehe but I just can't help it! I love these photos! They were (of course) taken by my friend Anna during my trip to Brno in July. I still have soooo many photos to show you from that trip but I have to separate them into different posts because otherwise, it would be one LOOONG article you would probably read whole day haha!
Anyways - how are you guys doing? Cannot believe today is last August's day! Tomorrow is September already! How did that happen? Soon we will be buying Pumpkin Spice lattés (the rumor is they already sell them in Starbucks!), rocking beanies and cursing the rainy weather. If I'm honest though, I kind of like the coziness of autumn and winter so the idea of colder weather isn't so repulsing to me!
Oh my ... I got a little carried away haha ... this post is about summer and it still is summer so let's focus on that, shall we?