Are you thankful or are you complaning all the time?

Friday, September 02, 2011

I have to be grateful for what I have.
That's what is going through my mind right now. It's easier and easier to complain that I want more and more (clothes, money, my own bedroom). I should be thankful and grateful. Because even if I get what I want right now, it won't make me happy for a long time. After a while I will want something else. And that's the cycle. You want something, you got it, then you want something more, you got it, but that's not the end. You want more and more.
That's why I have to be satisfied in God, NOT in my stuff.
After this summer - more then anytime else - I know that the MAIN point is to TRUST God and don't care about your circumstances. You will get everything in the right time & and you will get only what you need. In the mean time you have to be patient and thankful for what you have ("Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians, 5,18)
Well maybe it sounds simple but it needs your WHOLE heart. You have to GIVE yourself to God. And if you keep even just a little peace or part of your life, it will fail. God NEEDS your complete trust. Anyway He can't trust you. Every relationship is based on confidence on both sides.
But don't forget that even when you don't trust or love God - He LOVES YOU! No matter what have you done. No matter what are you going through. I know it's sometimes hard to understand but He has a plan for you. You just have to TRUST Him. But on the other side it's not like you are the puppet. You are able to CHOOSE.
So I'm asking you a question: Are you thankful or are you complaning all the time?

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  1. Christin, true article! Thank you for reminder ;)

  2. Chápu. Jen asi Boha chápu jinak, pro mě je to synonymum pro Přírodu a Universum (jako vesmír i tam kde o něm ještě věda neví)... a ono je to jedno, jde hlavně o ten vztah. Kdybych dostatečně nevěřila Světu okolo sebe, že to co tu teď je a jak se k sobě lidé chovají, má smysl, že to tak má být a nějak to bude pokračovat, asi bych nevycházela z postele. Díky víře se nebojím umřít a tak se nebojím žít a nebojím se projevit soucit a nebojím se ani čehokoli temnějšího co je ve mně samotné.
    Mám pocit, že jsi taky první člověk v mém věku, kterého jsem nějak poznala, kdo má takovouhle víru. Dnes je víra chápána jako něco zpátečnického, lidé nevěří ani vlastní rodičům nebo partnerovi, natož něčemu, co musí jen cítit a nemohou to ohmatat a nakoupit... uff na tohle mám ještě spoustu dalších myšlenek, ot by bylo nadlouho


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