CZ: Jako mnoho jiných bloggerů - i já jsem se zúčastnila Designbloku. A byla jsem mile překvapena stejně jako minulý rok. Už se nemůžu dočkat dalšího ročníku :-)
EN: As many other bloggers I visited Designblok as well. I was very pleased (as last year). Now I can't wait the next Designblok.
EN: As many other bloggers I visited Designblok as well. I was very pleased (as last year). Now I can't wait the next Designblok.
CZ: Další článek s velkým zpožděním O:-) tentokrát píšu o Slavnostech Apoštolské církve, kde jsem byla 27.-30.9. Konaly se v Karviné. A naštěstí bylo krásně, takže mám několik pěkných fotek :-)
EN: Another article which I'm writting very late O:-) It's from Apostolic Church Celebration where I was in September 27 - 30 and it took place in Karvina. It was a nice weather so I have a few nice photos :-)
EN: Another article which I'm writting very late O:-) It's from Apostolic Church Celebration where I was in September 27 - 30 and it took place in Karvina. It was a nice weather so I have a few nice photos :-)
CZ: Poslední článek o Vídni. Píšu ho s hrozně velkým zpožděním a ještě mám další zásobu nápadů na články, ale prostě a jednoduše nemám čas. Kéž by můj program nebyl tak nabitý! :-)
EN: My last article about Vienna. I'm writting it superlate and I also have a tuns of ideas for new posts but I just don't have time. I wish I didn't have so busy schedule! :-)
EN: My last article about Vienna. I'm writting it superlate and I also have a tuns of ideas for new posts but I just don't have time. I wish I didn't have so busy schedule! :-)
CZ: Tak konečně post z Vídně. Byla jsem tam o víkendu 21.-23.9. Trvalo mi celou věčnost upravit jen fotky (kterých mám asi 400 :-D), proto píšu s takovým zpoděním. Ve stručnosti vám popíšu, kde jsem byla a třeba vám to dá aspoň malý přehled o tom, co se dá ve Vídni dělat. Samozřejmě jsem ale nebyla všude - za jeden víkend se toho zas tolik stihnout nedá.
EN: So finally I have a Vienna post for you. I was there from September 21. to 23. and it took me a while to just edit pictures (I have about 400 of them :-D).
I'll concisely tell you which places I visited and maybe it will give at least a little view what you can do there. But of course I wasn't everywhere - you can't do much just during one weekend.
EN: So finally I have a Vienna post for you. I was there from September 21. to 23. and it took me a while to just edit pictures (I have about 400 of them :-D).
I'll concisely tell you which places I visited and maybe it will give at least a little view what you can do there. But of course I wasn't everywhere - you can't do much just during one weekend.