USA 2013 - Photo Diary III.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

CZ: A teď přicházejí na řadu fotky ze San Antonia. Tyhle jsou zatím jen z července (jojo já vím, to už je dávno :-D - pardoneček O:-) )
EN: And now pictures from San Antonio. Those are from July. Haha I know - that was a kinda long time ago. I'm sorry again.

 On my way to Houston
 In a museum in San Antonio

 With my dear friend Carly

 Boerne Lake


Austin - the capitol of Texas

 Me in a botanical garden in Austin

Paddleboarding in Austin

 The Oasis

 Hamilton Pool

 Cave without name (yeah I'm serious - that's its name :-D)
With Mary - one of the loveliest, coolest, craziest people I've ever met. I love her so freakin' much! :-)

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