Texas Winter 2015 Part 2

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

EN: Hey guys! Hope your week is going great so far! I have another set of pictures from my travels. These are from Abilene where I went in December and also from San Antonio where I spent Christmas. Honestly it seems like this was ages ago whereas it's been just a couple weeks. I've been seriously having so much fun here! Makes me sad that I leave in 2 days!
Have you travelled somewhere recently?

CZ: Ahojte! Doufám, že jde váš týden podle plánu! Mám pro vás dneska další set fotek z mého cestování. Konkrétně z Abilene, které jsem navštívila v prosinci, a taky ze San Antonio, kde jsem strávila mé první americké Vánoce. Upřímně mi připadá, že jsou tyhle fotky už několik měsíců staré a přitom je to jen pár týdnů! Hodně si to tady užívám a čas letí a letí (už za 2 dny letím zpět! :( :(), ale na druhou stranu to vypadá, jak kdybych tu už byla věčnost :D Nevím, jestli to dává smysl, ale tak se prostě cítím ;-)
Cestovali jste někam nedávno vy?

With my beloved Mary. She's seriously like my sister! And she just recently got a puppy - her name is Penny!

We went to the park with Penny a few times (me and Mary) and it was just a lot of fun.

With my dear friend Tamara whom I got the chance to meet at Mary's wedding in March 2015 / Selfie before going shopping / Oh, Penny! / One more with Mary!

Dallas - on my way to San Antonio.

I honestly don't know what the caption for this should be :-D

I baked Vánočka (Czech Christmas Bread) and it turned out marvelously! 

My first Christmas day in America! Got to spend it with my American family!

Me and Carly were in charge of Christmas dinner and the result was delicious. (Carly is the brunette with glasses in the previous photos ;-))

And Carly got me this cute string for polaroids as a Christmas present! So sweet!

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  1. Kraaasa, vidim ze si fakt uzivas a to ti moc preju! :)) Co leto? planujes tu dobrovolnickou sluzbu v usa? :)


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